How to share Excel Spreadsheets – Legacy

What happened to shared workbooks? If you’re using the latest version of Excel and you’re a Microsoft 365 subscriber, you may find that buttons related to the “Shared Workbook” feature are no longer on the Review tab, that’s because Microsoft removed them, the best way to get them back in the Quick Access Toolbar is…

Avoid Weak Passwords

Avoid Weak Passwords.

Do not use:

your first name, last name, or login name, in any form
consecutive or repetitive numbers or letters such as 12345678 or AAAAAAAA
adjacent keyboard letters such as qwerty or asdfghjk
common and obvious letter-number replacements (e.g. replace the letter O with number 0)
easily guessed personal information such as names and dates of yourself, family members, pets and close acquaintances

Work Onsite or Remotely

With the recent hike in fuel prices a lot of employees may want to work remotely, if you’re thinking of setting up remote access to your office workstations and servers, there are several things you can do.  You can implement some of the suggestions below if you have a peer to peer network. Install TeamViewer …