Avoid Weak Passwords

Avoid Weak Passwords.

Do not use:

your first name, last name, or login name, in any form
consecutive or repetitive numbers or letters such as 12345678 or AAAAAAAA
adjacent keyboard letters such as qwerty or asdfghjk
common and obvious letter-number replacements (e.g. replace the letter O with number 0)
easily guessed personal information such as names and dates of yourself, family members, pets and close acquaintances


How to Recover A User Password from SonicWall TZ 300

I haven’t heard of anyone being able to recover a password from a SonicWall Appliance, even when you call their Tech Support they will tell you, there is no backdoor to these Firewall Appliances, so if you don’t have the

User Name and the Password
A Backup Copy of the Config File
Your only option is to reset the appliance and re-configure it. That’s an easy job if you have a small network with no VPN connections to multiple offices and no VLAN’s.

LockPos the new point-of-sale malware

LockPos new point of sale malware

LockPos, the new point-of-sale malware actively spreading in the wild. For those of you who have super markets, markets, restaurants, liquor stores or any sort of store that depends on a Point of Sale software on a Windows Operating system such Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 10 and have not installed an Anti Virus or…

Massive Outbreak of WannaCry Ransomware

Massive Outbreak of WannaCry Ransomware

News of “WannaCry Ransomware” Outbreak has already spread all over the world, with over 300,000 computers infected, everywhere you look online there is a mention of it. The best way to protect yourself and your data is to take some precautions. Backup your computer to an external drive and online to a cloud service such…
